Tag Archives: co-wholesaling

Zack Childress REI Success Academy Getting Started Series Video 3 Week 3
Week 1 Recap: 1. Budget 2. Power Team 3. Systems 4. Training (strategy) Week 2 Recap: 1. Research your market 2. Start calling leads 3. Start your direct mail 4. Run Ads 5. Start making offers… Now we are moving into Week 3 which I teach about in more detail at my live event. If…

Student Success Stories Zack Childress REI Success Academy
Zack Childress REI Success Academy – Another wonderful story about a student of mine who is out there and doing all she can to make it happen. I love people like this. So motivated to go out and catch their dreams. This is what I am talking about! You can do this too! Get to…

Zack Childress Do not give up with Bradon Childress
Here is a big time tip from my little man. You are hearing it right from him. He is 4 years old, and he has it figured out. A little bit of goofy faces added in there but the word is strong. You can do this! It is better to try and fall than to…

Zack Childress Student Deal In 3 weeks – Made $15K
I’ve been working with this student for 3 weeks and we landed a deal where my student will pocket the $15k assignment fee. You can do this too! Click Here to get your helpful tips and tricks directly from me. This is 100% free for you! It is my Free 4 part coaching quality video…

Zack Childress Reviews-Do You Need To Sell Residence All By Yourself
Zack childress reviews-As far as selling your property is concerned one may opt for the conventional way of hiring an agent. But one should realize that this will cost a lot. When you endeavor to sell your home without the help of an agent.you can retain most of the profits. In this regard a streamlined…