Tag Archives: student success story

Scott Walter Journey Zack Childress REI Success Academy Student Success Story
Scott is one of my favorite students. He is also just one story of many that have reached their goals through REI Success Academy Consulting. Scott was the average man. He had a wife, kids, and a J.O.B. He actually liked his job unlike most, but one day, he got that pink slip. They no…

Zack Childress REI Success Academy Student Success Story 35k Deal
A huge shout out to my friend and coaching student, Walter. He has found an amazing deal that is going to give him a profit of around $35,000. It’s a condo and he already has so many buyers interested in this great area. It’s only going to cost him about $15,000 to remodel this property…

Student Success Stories Zack Childress REI Success Academy
Zack Childress REI Success Academy – Another wonderful story about a student of mine who is out there and doing all she can to make it happen. I love people like this. So motivated to go out and catch their dreams. This is what I am talking about! You can do this too! Get to…

Zack Childress-Signs of a not so good tenant
Zack childress-your rental property deserves the best tenants, so for that, you should be doing a lot of background verification which is said to help you in the long run. This piece of writing will give you loads of ideas about how to find a not so good tenant such that you can be trouble-free…

Zack Childress Should You Buy or Not?
Zack childress-The article below is going to give you “The top 5 Reasons to Buy a House Right Now”, and I have to say, I agree with most of them . I’m going to give you my 2 cents on this, but before I do that. I also want to point out to you that…