Category Archives: zack childress

Zack Childress REI Success Academy Getting Unstuck Series Video 3
This is the last video of the Getting Unstuck Series! I always get sad when these end. Especially good topics like this one. Just to recap. Video 1 we talked about the problem. Video 2 we talked about how to fix the problem. In this video, we are going to elaborate some more on what…

Zack Childress REI Success Academy Getting Unstuck Series Creating a Daily Routine
The number 1 thing my students say to me is “Zack, I’m stuck!” Let’s be real. They are not stuck. They just have life in the way of their goals! Today we are going to talk about Creating a Daily Routine! This is so important! I encourage you to look within yourself, and spend some…

Zack Childress REI Success Academy Success Tips Series 3 Getting Unstuck
The number 1 thing my students say to me is “Zack, I’m stuck!” Let’s be real. They are not stuck. They just have life in the way of their goals, and they are allowing those life situations to come before their dreams and goals. I encourage you to look within yourself, and spend some time…

Zack Childress REI Success Academy REI Success Getting Started Video 4
This is the last video in the Getting Started Series! While all good things must come to an end, don’t worry! We have you covered with more training starting our new series next week! In the meantime, watch this video and then go to the link below to setup a call with one of my…

Zack Childress REI Success Academy Getting Started Series Video 3 Week 3
Week 1 Recap: 1. Budget 2. Power Team 3. Systems 4. Training (strategy) Week 2 Recap: 1. Research your market 2. Start calling leads 3. Start your direct mail 4. Run Ads 5. Start making offers… Now we are moving into Week 3 which I teach about in more detail at my live event. If…

Zack Childress REI Success Academy Student Success Story 35k Deal
A huge shout out to my friend and coaching student, Walter. He has found an amazing deal that is going to give him a profit of around $35,000. It’s a condo and he already has so many buyers interested in this great area. It’s only going to cost him about $15,000 to remodel this property…

Student Success Stories Zack Childress REI Success Academy
Zack Childress REI Success Academy – Another wonderful story about a student of mine who is out there and doing all she can to make it happen. I love people like this. So motivated to go out and catch their dreams. This is what I am talking about! You can do this too! Get to…

Zack Childress REI Tips Getting Started Series
In Week 1 of the Getting Started Series, we talked about budget, power team, systems, and training (strategy). Now we are in Week 2! So, let’s talk about researching your market, start calling leads, starting your direct mail, running ads, and starting to make offers. Remember everyone. There is only so much I can teach…
Zack Childress reviews the pros of single family homes
Introduction zack childress reviews single family homes are those homes which are inhabited and used as a single dwelling. In this article, Zack Childress, a real estate investor, reviews the pros of single family homes. Longer duration of lease The lease period is longer. Most of the renters who rent single family homes are doing…

Zack Childress Student Quit His Job to Be a Full Time Real Estate Investor
This is the ultimate goal, isn’t it? This is why you are here learning about real estate investing and how you get your finances right so that you can achieve that financial freedom that you deserve! I want to teach you this face-to-face. The market is changing, and you must have the knowledge to change…