Tag Archives: Raising Money

Zack Childress Real Estate Best Places to Live Equals Great Opportunity
Zack childress real estate Well, I’ve always been a fan of determining where the market is moving, I’m a fan of finding where the people are going and then I get in front of those people for the best opportunity for investments. We want to get in front of the population. We don’t want to…

Zack Childress Reviews-5 Myths About Buying a Home “Are They True or Not? “
Zack childress reviews well this one kinda hit home for me. I want you guys to read the article below and give me some feedback. In the meantime, I’m gonna give you my two cents. Not that it’s worth two cents, but it’s my two cents. Myth One: They say that buying a home is…

Zack Childress tips – How to Work with Private Investors to Funds Your Real Estate Deals
Zack childress tips private Money Lenders are the ticket to wealth and freedom with real estate. Once you have a few private money investors you can rely on, you can do as many rehabs as you want without paying the high fees of hard money lenders. There is a big difference between hard money lenders…

Zack Childress-How to Raise Money for Real Estate Deals
Zack childress – you don’t need to raise money for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Investing Strategies. You do need to raise money for Tier 3 and Tier 4 and this is where the big money is made. Raising money is easy when you follow the right steps and present the deal the right way…