Zack Childress - Are You Buying a Housing or The Neighborhood?

Zack Childress – Are You Buying a Housing or The Neighborhood?


 Zack childress I really enjoyed this article; especially for the new investors and people that are just looking to buy a house. This article really expresses quite a bit of what we refer to as maybe common knowledge to a real estate investor, but for the new person they tend to get emotionally attached to…

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Zack Childress - Is H.A.R.P a Scam?

Dc Fawcett Scam – Is H.A.R.P a Scam?


 Dc Fawcett Scam Based on what the FHFA Director says, HARP is not a scam . It is important to understand what HARP is, HARP stands for Home Affordable Refinance Program.  What this program does is it allows homeowner to refinance their properties to get their mortgage payment lowered. Dc Fawcett The average person who…

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Zack Childress Should You Buy or Not?


 Zack childress-The article below is going to give you “The top 5 Reasons to Buy a House Right Now”, and I have to say, I agree with most of them . I’m going to give you my 2 cents on this, but before I do that. I also want to point out to you that…

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Does Your State Determine Your Mortgage Payment?-Zack Childress

Zack Childress Does Your State Determine Your Mortgage Payment?


 Zack childress kind of a catchy little head line there, but it’s true. If you want a cheap mortgage then you need to pick a state that is going to benefit you to get a better interest rate. As Les Christie from says in the article below, “Where you live can also have a…

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Rental Housing Could Be Running Out-Zack Childress

Zack Childress Rental Housing Could Be Running Out


 Zack childress there is a major sweep of mega-investors all across the country right now. Some of these are Black Stones, Colony America Homes, The National Rental Home Counsel, and Homes for Rent of America. These mega-investors are sweeping across the country in major cities like Atlanta, Phoenix, Tampa, and other cities across America buying…

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Don't Let Your Vacation Become a Scam - Zack Childress

Zack Childress Real Estate Don’t Let Your Vacation Become a Scam


 Zack childress real estate a little food for thought; sometimes I find myself looking at different places to adventure to like a beach property or a downtown district, but I always find myself worried about the big vacation scam! You might ask yourself, “what is a vacation scam?” In short, a vacation scam is when…

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Zack Childress Reviews First Time Home Buyers Need More Money Down


 zack childress reviews this is a standard case of increase in home values. In addition, it’s also a sign that the lending institution is not as tight as it once was 3, 4, 5 years ago. What that means is that you are able to buy a house with a lower credit score. You are…

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72 Year old Billionaire will Have to Examine all of His Real Estate Holdings - Zack Childress

72 Year old Billionaire will Have to Examine all of His Real Estate Holdings – Zack Childress


 It’s funny how a 72 year old Billionaire can still find themselves in trouble. The main reason that the 72 year old Billionaire is in trouble is because he was acquiring properties for much higher than what he has to sell them. This has caused a dramatic red flag in the market, and even the…

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Best Places to Live Equals Great Opportunity - Zack Childress

Zack Childress Real Estate Best Places to Live Equals Great Opportunity


 Zack childress real estate Well, I’ve always been a fan of determining where the market is moving, I’m a fan of finding where the people are going and then I get in front of those people for the best opportunity for investments. We want to get in front of the population. We don’t want to…

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5 Myths About Buying a Home "Are They True or Not? " - Zack Childress

Zack Childress Reviews-5 Myths About Buying a Home “Are They True or Not? “


 Zack childress reviews well this one kinda hit home for me. I want you guys to read the article below and give me some feedback. In the meantime, I’m gonna give you my two cents. Not that it’s worth two cents, but it’s my two cents. Myth One:  They say that buying a home is…

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